As our valued customer, you might be wondering why the emphasis on expectations with our vendors. Here are some of the reasons
A few things to consider
A research investigating over 1177 beauty products marketed to Black/African women showed that these products were laden with highly hazardous yet toxic ingredients. Toxic ingredients are even found in BABY PRODUCTS, BABY FOOD, FOOD ITEMS, SPICES, PET FOODS, AND CLEANING PRODUCTS. So are we the undeserving Africans? Should we just accept the substandard products marketed to us? As mentioned earlier, most of the ingredients used to make products marketed to us are banned in other regulated markets such as Europe
Yes! this helps us make more products available to you. If the vendor goes through our application process then you can easily access their wonderful products here
Currently, we are using our own lists of exclusions to guide prospective vendors. However, we will work with Wellness Republic Africa, which FAVA HERB Ltd is a founding member, to develop certification standards and programs so that interested businesses can have a distinguishing mark on their product labels.